From-to animation
Tween animations are the most common type of animations, that allow you to animate between two states of an element. You can animate pretty much any CSS property — same as with native GSAP.
How it works
From-to animations, or tween animations, is the simplest (yet powerful) type of animation. It’s a basic animation that blends two states of an element — from one state to another. You can define them using af-from
and af-to
is direct analogy to gsap.from()
, af-to
is analogy to
, and when you provide both af-from
and af-to
attributes, it’s the same as gsap.fromTo()
attribute specifies the starting state of the element. It can be any animatable property using any units and variables — including CSS variables and JS variables / template literals. If you don’t provide af-to
attribute, animation will animate to the current state of the element on the page.
attribute specifies the ending state of the element. It can be any animatable property using any units and variables — including CSS variables and JS variables / template literals. If you don’t provide af-from
attribute, starting state will be the current state of the element on the page.
Both af-from
and af-to
If you provide both af-from
and af-to
attributes, animation will animate from the af-from
state to the af-to
state. If you also provide af-options
attribute, it will be added to af-to
animation parameters.
Simple fade-in and scale-in (af-from
Start fully transparent (autoAlpha: 0
) and scaled 3x, and fade in to current state (autoAlpha: 1
Fade-in and rotate in 1.5 sec, with yoyo and repeat
Use current state as starting point, fade in and rotate in 1.5 sec, then reverse direction and repeat.
Timeline animation with multiple shapes, using both af-from
and af-to
Multiple shapes starting at different positions in the timeline, then moving to state specified in af-to