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Animatable properties

You can animate pretty much any CSS property — same as with native GSAP.

Natively, GSAP can animate pretty much any CSS property, even some of those that CSS doesn’t allow to animate. I highly recommend checking out GSAP CSS page to get more information, but as a quick list, you can find most popular ones below.

Properties should be provided in camel case — e.g. if you have background-color in CSS, to animate it with GSAP / AF it becomes backgroundColor; font-size is fontSize, and so on.

GSAP also has transform shorthand properties, that are more performant than CSS native properties — so it’s recommended to use them instead of say translateX or scaleY or alike.

Check out this MDN page describing browser transforms. All properties here are GSAP shorthands that are recommended to use, most are equivalent to CSS transform:translate.

xx: 100Horizontal translation (move along X-axis)
yy: 100Vertical translation (move along Y-axis)
zz: 100Depth translation (move along Z-axis, 3D)
xPercentxPercent: 50Horizontal translation in %
yPercentyPercent: 50Vertical translation in %
scalescale: 2Uniform scaling (resizes element proportionally)
scaleXscaleX: 3Horizontal scaling (resizes element along X-axis)
scaleYscaleY: 3Vertical scaling (resizes element along Y-axis)
rotationrotation: 90degRotation around the Z-axis
rotationXrotationX: 903D rotation around the X-axis
rotationYrotationY: 90deg3D rotation around the Y-axis
skewXskewX: 30degSkew the element horizontally
skewYskewY: 30degSkew the element vertically
transformPerspectivetransformPerspective: 2003D perspective transformation
transformOriginxtransformOrigin: center 50%Defines the origin point for transformations